What is a functional proteomic analysis?

The first thing to keep in mind is that proteins are the end result of gene expression. They also have a wide range of roles (compound transformation/transport, regulation of oxidative stress, etc.) and are vital for proper cell function.

With so many proteins, functional proteomic analysis is the ideal tool to measure them in one single experiment. Proteomics maximises the number of proteins that can be quantified kin one assay (>2000 proteins).

The advantages of functional proteomics analysis

Proteomics analysis by mass spectrometry is a method of analysis that allows you to quantify several thousand proteins from cells or tissues, in one single experiment:

  • Discover prospective uses of a product

  • Understand how it works, its mode of action

  • Determine its efficacy

  • Measure its safety or cytotoxicity

Determining the full effects of a plant protection product or solution on protein expression is therefore an essential step in obtaining data for strategic development decisions.

Proteomic analysis by mass spectrometry is a complex analysis, which is why we provide you with a user-friendly complete interpretation of the results. In other words, we transform long and complex lists of proteins into open diagrams and figures accesible to all.


  • Discover/ Confirm the benefits of a product
  • Explore its mode of action
  • Obtain additional scientific data
  • Probe the effects of active molecules at the cellular level
  • Discover new targets and applications for products


  • Global view of the effects of your active molecules or products, at a cellular level
  • A wealth of information in a single experiment
  • Highly sensitive analysis without a bias
  • Small amount of sample